About Us

Hey there, candy lovers! Welcome to our little corner of the internet, where we bring you the most delightful and crunchy treats you've ever tasted. But hold on tight, because we're not your average candy shop. Oh no, we're a family business with a twist!

First things first, let's talk about our lady boss, Jessica. She's the brains behind this operation, the one who keeps us all in line (and trust us, that's no easy task!). She's got a passion for all things sweet and a knack for finding the most unique treats out there. And boy, does she know how to put a new twist on candy!

Now, you might be wondering how we manage to bring you these amazing goodies. Well, let us spill the beans. We work from home, folks! That's right, our little family business is run right out of our cozy abode. It's the perfect setup for us because it allows us to be there for each other and support our family while doing what we love most - bringing joy to your taste buds!

So, what's the deal with freeze-dried candy, you ask? Well, it's our specialty! We take your favorite candies like Airheads, HI-CHEWS, and Big Hunks and give them a magical makeover. We freeze 'em up, dry 'em out, and voila! You've got a whole new candy experience. It's like eating candy from another dimension, where crunchiness reigns supreme!

Now, we know what you're thinking. "Why freeze-dried candy? What's the big deal?" Well, let us tell you, it's a game-changer. The freeze-drying process locks in all the flavors and textures, giving you a candy experience like no other. Plus, it's perfect for those of you who like to savor your sweets. No more worrying about your candy getting all sticky and melty in your pocket. Our freeze-dried treats are ready to go wherever you do!

So, whether you're a candy connoisseur or just someone looking for a new and exciting treat, we've got you covered. Our family business is all about bringing you the best of the best, with a side of quirkiness and a whole lot of love. So go ahead, browse our selection, and support our family while indulging in some seriously awesome freeze-dried candy. We promise you won't be disappointed!